
Church Services

As of October 24th 2021, we are once again welcoming people into the church for in person service. We will also be conducting services online for the foreseeable future. Please check the EVENTS page for more information.

For Pastoral Care, please contact Rev. Jim Keenan at 905-751-5335

Sunday service takes place at 10:30 a.m. Sermons are based on the lectionary and reveal a loving, inclusive God. There is an active participation of children, teens and adults who read, lead the prayers, usher or take other roles in the worship. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month.

Bible readings, hymns, prayers and other items are presented on screen during the service in addition to the traditional use of hymnals and order of service.  

There is a nursery for children too young for Sunday school and Sunday school during the worship service.

The service is followed by a coffee hour which is a vital part of our church life. Newcomers are purposefully made welcome and members greet and connect with each other.

Faith Background

There is a strong Protestant Christian heritage.  Individuals come from such faiths as Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational. There are also those who grew up in the Roman Catholic faith. 

We are open to the beliefs and faith styles of others in our community and in our midst. Our rules and rituals are less formal but still respectful of the dignity and sanctity of worship.  Our history as a church emphasizes social justice, tolerance and low key Protestant evangelism.


Saint Luke’s has a part–time Music Director who is a gifted pianist and organist. He is interested in the using many musical genres and drama in worship. He also directs a choir with an active membership of 10. At special services, such as Easter and Christmas, other soloists and instrumentalists also take part.

Adult Learning Activities

Listening for God in the Bible

On Sundays February 9, 16, and March 1 if you who join our bible engagement group with Rev. Jim at 12.15 P.M.  you will be encouraged to listen. Listen to the Bible, listen to your own questions and responses, and listen to the honest sharing among participants in our study group. We will explore different ways such as biblical story telling, praying with scripture, and dramatizing scripture. Come get familiar with the Bible. All are welcome.

How do the Psalms Fit into Our Faith and Our Worship?

Dr. Peter Kopplin will lead a reflection on the Psalms on Sundays, March 15, 22 and 29 after our service. An exploration of the poetry of the Psalms, their history and original purpose, and their current role in our worship today will be explored. This is an opportunity for all to share our faith together. All welcome.

Lenten Lunch Bunch

Rev Jim says he has the following note on his computer screen: “It’s about God, stupid!” Saint Luke’s want to take this a step further and focus on “What God Gives Up for Lent. We are offering a Lenten lunch time gathering at noon beginning Wednesday February 26. We will spend time reflecting on the Exodus, the justice and mercy of God, and the saving significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Our discussion will lead us into the small chapel where communion will be celebrated. All folks and faith perspectives are welcome. That is noon at Saint Luke’s, beginning February 26.

Other Congregational Activities Social activities, such as pot luck meals and celebrations of our diversity also take place.